01 Kasım 2024

Our Online Turkish Education Program Maintains to Streghten with Universities in Algeria

Our University strengthened its existing collaborations and signed new cooperation agreements within the scope of the 2nd Rectors Conference which was held with the participation of Rectors and Vice Rectors from different universities around the world, especially Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the United States of America, Indonesia, Kosovo, North Makedonia, Poland and Romania.

The Online Turkish Education Program, which our University put in the practice in 2019 with the bilateral cooperation agreement signed with Blida 1 and Blida 2 Universities in Algeria, continues for a comprehensive group with the Mostaganem and Oran 2 Universities, which have signed a new agreement with Kırıkkale University. The opening ceremony of 3rd Turkish Online Education Program was held at the 2nd Rectors' Conference with the participation of all invited guests.

20 students received Turkish language certificates at the B2 level, at the two Online Turkish Education Programs which were held between 2020- 2024 for A1-A2 level to B1-B2 level for the students of Blida 2 University, while 2 students came to our University from Blida 2 University and completed C1 level in Turkish.

This year, a total of 40 students, including 10 successful students selected from Blida 1, Blida 2, Mostaganem and Oran 2 Universities, will receive a total of 780 hours of Turkish language education from A1-A2 level to B1-B2 level for 26 weeks. Assoc. Dr. Öznur Özdarıcı, Deputy Director of TÖMER (Turkish Education Research and Application Center), who provides education for Algerian students within the scope of the program, gave information to our guests about the program.

Our Rector Prof. Dr. Ersan Aslan said: “In 2019, Prof. Dr. Khaled Ramoul was the Rector of Blida 2 University and we started Turkish education program with him, but now we continue with Prof. Dr. Adel Mezough. We started this project in 2019 and it has come to a much better point than we expected.  Both our Kırıkkale University team and Rector of Blida 2 University and his team have contributed greatly. That's why I express my gratitude to my brother Prof. Dr. Adel Mezough. At the conclusion of the two program, the students in Algeria can read the poems of our valuable poets and passages from the books of our most valuable writers. Thus, this made us delighted. I believe that what we see from our own perspective, our partners in Algeria also see in the same perspective because when young people start to communicate with each other in their own languages, they get more efficient results in their studies. In our last Algeria trip, Mostaganem, Oran 2 and Blida 1 Universities were included into the Online Turkish Education Program, which we started with Blida 2 University in 2019.  We have historical relations with Algeria, and therefore it makes us happy to have such a program with the young people of four Algerian universities. We would like to benefit from this meeting as to carry out this kind of programs with other partner universities. I would like to thank Prof. Dr. Adel Mezough for maintaining this program. I also send my greetings to other Rectors in Algeria."

Prof. Dr. Adel Mezough, Rector of Blida 2 University, thanked our Rector for his sincere feelings and thoughts and wished that the Turkish Education Program would be beneficial.