The 2nd Rectors' Conference with the theme
“Children in the World: A Comprehensive Perspective on the Children’s Future”
was held at the Senate Hall of our University.
The participants of the conference were our
Rector Prof. Dr. Ersan Aslan, Prof. Dr. Barbara West Carpenter, Louisiana State
Respresentative and Dean of International Relations at Southern University, Prof.
Dr. Adel Mezough, Rector of Blida 2 University, Prof. Dr. Nermina Hadzigrahic Rector
of Tuzla University in Bosnia and Herzegovina, Prof. Dr. Lutfi Sunar Rector of
International Balkan University in Northern Macedonia, Prof. Dr. Sonja Feist Rector
of the University of Chicago, USA, Assoc. Dr. Gabriela Mihalache, Rector of
Apollonia University in Romania, Our Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Mehmet Başalan and
Prof. Dr. Sedat Aktan, Our Secretary General Assist. Prof. Dr. Şevket
Evci, Assoc. Dr. Serdan Kervan Vice-Rector of Ukshin Hoti
University in Kosovo, Prof. Dr. Olaf Zylicz, Vice Rector of WSB Merito
University in Poland, Dr. Didi Supandi, Deputy Director of the Jakarta Islamic
Studies Center in Indonesia, Prof. Dr. LaVada Taylor, Dean of the College of
Education at the University of Chicago, Prof. Dr. Mark Smith, Dean of the College
of Arts and Sciences at the University of Chicago, Prof. Dr. Eugene Kennedy,
faculty member and Interim Director at Lutrill & Pearl Payne School of Education
at Louisiana State University, Prof. Dr. Zammouchi Redouane, Dean of the
Faculty of Social Sciences of Blida 2 University, Assoc. Dr. Osman Kandara, Liaison
for Türkiye at Southern University, Dr. Mehtap Kandara, Study Abroad in Türkiye
Program Coordinator at Southern University, Paimun Abdul Karim, International
Relations Coordinator at Jakarta Islamic Studies Center in Indonesia, Kermit
Johnson, Legislative Assistant at Louisiana State House of Representatives, Prof.
Dr. Mohammad Abdus Salam, Faculty Member at University of Chicago, Dr. Daniela
Ivona, Faculty Member at Apollonia University in Romania, Dr. Catalina Girbea,
Faculty Member at Apollonia University in Romania, Assoc. Dr. Öznur Ozdarıcı Deputy
Director of TÖMER, Kamil Donmez, Director of the Gürsu Chamber of Agriculture
in Bursa, our deans, graduate and vocational school directors.
Our Rector Prof. Dr. Ersan Aslan expressed
his satisfaction to welcome the Rectors and Vice Rectors of the partner
universities from different countries around the world to our city and our
university and said: “I would like to thank you for supporting our efforts to
find solutions to the problems faced by children who are our future. Throughout
the history, especially children are among those who have experienced the
painful incidents and be the victims. Unfortunately, this situation still continues
in Gaza today. We all want to leave a good future to our children and
grandchildren and for them to have a peaceful life. But unfortunately, not
every child may have parents with whom he or she can make his/her voice heard,
even if he or she wants something little, like 22 thousand children who lost
their parents in Gaza. I hope that the 1st International Children Congress in
All Dimensions, which began yesterday, and the 2nd International Rectors'
Conference, which we came together on the same day, will help us to be the
voice of every child wherever they are and whoever they are, and to provide
them a beautiful future. Thank you for your participation and valuable
In the meeting held under the chairmanship of our Rector Prof. Dr. Ersan Aslan,
the Rectors and Vice Rectors who visited our University from abroad expressed
their thoughts about the Rectors Conference and emphasized the importance of
collaborative efforts to solve the problems faced by the children of the world
and to provide them a better future. The protocol was signed in order to carry
out studies on the decisions taken in the conference.
After the protocol was signed, a photo was
taken in memory of the day, and our Rector gave tokens to the guests. The
conference continued with sessions.
The protocol includes the following items:
-Conducting joint research on children's security,
their condition in violence and war, well-being, education, social inclusion,
health and rights,
-Preparing projects by creating a matrix of issues
related to the well-being of children at national and international level and discussing
to find solutions together,
- Organizing collaborative symposiums,
conferences, workshops and seminars focusing on children to raise awareness of
children's issues globally,
- Encouraging academic exchange programs between
faculty, researchers and students to strengthen mutual expertise and share best
practices and in the child-related issues,
-Offering internship and volunteer
opportunities for students to engage in child-focused initiatives across
different regions,
-Developing new courses, educational
resources focusing on child development, children’s rights and sustainable
